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Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Good evening! Finally I am able to post...Blogger has been having a few issues for a couple of days and I was unable to post. Maybe we'll just attribute it to Friday the least that will explain today's problems...not so sure about the other days.

I love Friday the 13th's...this one is extra special because it is also my birthday. My Mom hates it...I tell her it's not like I was born on Friday the 13th. I was born on a Monday...the day after Mother's Day. My Dad tells me the story every year...I never tire of it though. It sounds like this year is much like the one I was born...trees leafing out along the river and everything turning nice and green.

As the day comes to a close, I can't help but reflect on the last forty plus years. I am almost to where I want to be in life; I am a freelancer and an author, and now also an alpaca owner. By this time next year we will have alpaca babies on the way and I will have tried my hand at spinning the fleece into yarn. I cannot wait to get the fencing finished so we can bring the herd home.

My daughter is just as excited as I am; her and I will be the owners of them and will share in the work, the costs and the rewards. I have been making connections on Facebook with other alpaca owners and enjoy looking at their pictures. One of the cutest so far is two alpacas lying on a front much the same way the average dog would be. So very cute!

I have been busy with a temporary position with Statistics Canada, so have been unable to spend much time on my book. I will have to push back the original publishing date, which saddens me. There are only so many hours in the day and apparently I am supposed to sleep some of them. I am sure things will get back to normal soon; or at least a new normal. I will have a lot to write about once the herd comes home. It may have to be a book of its own.

With the warm weather also brings the planting of the garden, the cutting of the grass and the cleaning of the barn. The latter must be done before we can bring home the alpacas, but can't be done until after the 4H calf is gone. It will be a very busy couple of days between the sale and the day the alpacas come home.

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