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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Writing

I think today will be a good day as far as my writing goes. I spent the morning watching my three nephews, and now have the afternoon to put my ideas on paper. I managed to do a rough draft of an article as I was watching the two older ones play Mario Karts.

I read not too very long ago that a writer should have a notebook and pen in every room of the house. (I only wish I could remember which article it was, because I would include the link.) Plus, in a vehicle or purse (women only I'm presuming, but hey, who am I to judge) in the event an idea pops into your head while you're away from your desk. I feel this is very good advice, but I have to admit I still have not done so. I always think I will remember the topic I thought of, but in the end...I don't.

It is also sometimes difficult to stay on track. Persistence is the key to getting the articles finished in a timely manner and published. In the days of the internet and so many distractions it can provide, it is advisable to do your work away from the computer, or at least offline. I have email and Twitter notifications pop up occasionally and sometimes find myself checking them instead of concentrating on my work. I am just as guilty as the next person, and I do try to stay on track.

I find myself with hundreds of ideas, but when it comes time to write I draw a blank. Going back to that notebook and pen in every room theory one should collect those books once a week. Make a list of the ideas, and see which inspire you first. Never discard an idea, as it may be the one to earn the most recognition and/or revenue. The notebooks could be the spiral type, and idea pages torn out and placed in a three ring binder. This way time isn't being wasted re-writing everything, and all ideas eventually end up in one place. As the articles are written, they may be crossed off but not erased.
Back to my article I have started...which proves the distraction theory. Have a great day!

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